Since 1986 Laura Bosetti Tonatto, a professional "nose" known all over the world, creates perfumes for major cosmetic companies and customized mélanges. Since October 2006 she has joined the staff of the University of Ferrara, Faculty of Pharmacy, as Professor Adjunct in the Master's Degree in Cosmetic Science and Technology for the course: "Perfumes: Art and Production" and "Aromacology"…
The other 70 fragrances of the “ESSENZIALMENTE LAURA” collection are divided into olfactory families, defined by the Classification officielle des parfums de l’Osmothèque de Versailles. As a result, people who appreciate the unique style of perfumes created by Laura Bosetti Tonatto will know which raw materials are used, recognising the most popular and discovering them in mélanges.
Renowned "nose" Laura Bosetti Tonatto has created four new fragrances inspired by the Papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome. This project pays homage to the millennial link between perfume and spirituality, a pairing also celebrated in Scripture, where perfume symbolically represents divine presence and love: invisible and subtle, but capable of filling the air and spreading. The Basilica, one of the most important Marian places of worship in the West, thus becomes not only a symbol of faith, but also of olfactory beauty, thanks to these unique essences.
The first boutique opened in Rome by Laura is located at Via dei Coronari 57, one of the ten most beautiful streets in the world according to the famous Architectural Digest magazine.
At Via di Campo Marzio 35 , in the heart of Rome's elegance, is the second boutique.
The third at Piazza Santa Maria Maggiore 28, right on the walls of the facade of the Papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, which has dominated the city of Rome for sixteen centuries.
The MVSEI VATICANI Essential perfume collection was created by selecting, through a philological study, a few areas of the Vatican Museums that offer the most surprising olfactory inspiration: the Gallery of Maps; the Vatican Gardens and the Ethnological Museum.
“Sotto lo stesso cielo” (Under the Same Sky) IT’S AN home fragrances’ COLLECTION created by Laura Bosetti Tonatto, of which all the proceeds goes to support OAF-I - Organizzazione di Aiuto Fraterno, an Italian non-profit organisation that since 2000 has been providing concrete help to old and new friends in Brazil, Mozambique, Italy and other parts of the world who dedicate their lives to children of all ages so that they can regain hope, dignity and self-confidence.
In October 2006 Laura Bosetti Tonatto has joined the staff of the University of Ferrara's Faculty of Pharmacy as an adjunct lecturer for 1st and 2nd level Masters degrees in Cosmetic Science and Technology, teaching the courses "Perfumes: Art and Production" and "Aromacology".
Since 2003, Laura Bosetti Tonatto - in collaboration with La Bottega S.p.a. - has been creating tailor-made collections for some of the world's most prestigious hotels. According to Wallpaper, the fragrance created by Laura Bosetti Tonatto for the Park Hyatt in Milan is the best ever made for a hotel.
Laura Bosetti Tonatto was the first perfume-maker in Italy to create custom-made fragrances. The turinese "NOSE" has put herself at the service of history by making characters, paintings and works relive through the sense of smell Her perfumes are thus olfactory portraits, veritable creations expressing what Laura sees and feels in the people, the places and the artworks that she analyses with consistent discernment. Her perfumes are OLFACTORY PORTRAITS, creations that express what Laura sees and feels in people, places and works that she analyzes, always by philological approach.
San Valentino è alle porte, e non c’è regalo più speciale di un profumo o un trattamento che parli d’amore e di attenzione. Per celebrare il giorno degli innamorati, vi consiglio alcune creazioni p ..
Dal 5 al 14 febbraio 20% di sconto su tutti i prodotti Essenzialmente Laura (ad eccezione degli igienizzanti mani e delle collezioni Mvsei Vaticani Essential e Santa Maria Maggiore). Per approfitta ..
C'è qualcosa di magico nell'inverno, quando il mondo fuori rallenta e si ritrova il piacere di stare a casa, circondati dalle piccole cose che ci fanno sentire bene. Le mie candele profumate sono p ..
Spesso mi capita di creare profumi che raccontano la magia di luoghi speciali, e in questo caso ho avuto l’onore di collaborare con la Principessa Maria Pace Odescalchi, custode di una straordinari ..
Da sempre, l’incenso è il simbolo del legame tra l’essere umano e il divino, un ponte che parla al cielo attraverso il suo profumo. L'Incenso delle Chiese di Roma nasce da una combinazione unica di ..