The “nez” Laura Bosetti Tonatto has created perfumes dedicated to the Papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore of Rome.

SANTA MARIA MAGGIORE AS THE MAIN TEMPIO MARIANO For sixteen centuries the Papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, situated on the top of the Esquilino hill, has been the main Marian Temple of the west.

THE PERFUME OF SPIRITUALITY The tie between perfumes and spirituality has extremely ancient roots, in fact, there are various formulas for the creation of fragrances written in the Bible. According to the analysis of many theologists, perfumes are synonyms of divine love: as they are known to be invisible and yet present, they can’t be held back as they expand, and only a few drops are necessary to pervade its surroundings.

THE FOUR NEW FRAGRANCES Laura Bosetti Tonatto has dedicated four new fragrances to the Papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore: